CATEGORYOpen to all ages.
awards & Major spot prize11:00AM in front of the stage.
MEDALSAll 5km finishers receive a medal.
REGISTRATIONThe Clevedon Village Farmers Market - 107 Monument Road, Clevedon, Auckland 2582
Saturday 3 February 2:00pm to 4:00pm or Sunday 4 February 5:00am to 7:30am Someone else may register on your behalf. COURSE SUMMARYEasy running on a flat course, with some small undulations to keep it interesting. The course offers a mix of running terrains including 80% sealed road surfaces and 20% smooth hard packed gravel trail surfaces. Walkers are welcome to enter in the 5km. Please ensure walkers start at the back behind the runners and keep to the left at all times.
START/FINISH LINEThe Clevedon Village Farmers Market.
107 Monument Road, Clevedon, Auckland 2582 TOILETSToilets will be located at the start/finish area and also at all aid stations on course.
AID STATIONSThe 5km event will be supported with 2 aid stations located along the courses. Aid stations will be at the following km marks and will be stocked with the below:
1.9km Water 3.1km Water & GU Electrolyte Drink AWARDS & SPOT PRIZESAll awards and major spot prizes are awarded at the prize-giving which will take place at 11:00am in front of the stage at The Clevedon Village Farmers Market. All competitors will be eligible for spot prizes and these will be randomly drawn at the awards. Medals will be awarded to the top 5 men and women overall for the 5km event.
TIMINGTiming mats will be located at the finish line. All timing results will be available online by age group category and will be based on participant's gun time.
BAG CHECKThere will be a bag check service available at the start/finish area. Please collect your bag by 1:00pm before you leave the event area. Any remaining gear will be taken back to our event warehouse until 10 days after the event where it will be donated to Charity.